Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Book 9 Questions

Book 9: Discussion Questions
  1. Why does Odysseus say they sacked the city of the Cicones?
      He says this because it is important to his later on journey. When he sacks the city of Cicones they kill all the men and take the riches. When Odysseus wants to move on, his men have become drunk with power and continue to sack Cicones. However, Cicones' allies come and attack Odysseus' men. They depart quickly, but they had lost many men in the struggle. So now he has a significantly less amount of men.
  2. What effect does the lotus have on anyone who tastes it?
      It makes the eaters forget their purpose, and continue to eat it. When Odysseus and his men reach the island of the lotus eaters, he sends out two men to explore the island and find people. They find the lotus eaters who eat the lotus, a sweet honey fruit. Soon the men didn't want to leave and didn't want to travel back home. Odysseus, in the end, drags the reluctant men back to the ship.
  3. What was unusual about the island that lies near the island of the Cyclops?
     The island has a thick wood where many wild goats breed and eat.  What's unusual is, there are no men, no hunters and no lands plowed or with wheat. The island, if someone live there, would be good because it has fertile soil and clear land for plowing. It also has a fresh spring.

  1. What is the occupation of the Cyclops?
      The cyclops is a herder. He herds lambs, sheep, goats and rams. All of the animals are very large.
  2. What does Odysseus take with him when they go to investigate the Cyclops' cave?
      The skin of irresistible wine, which he earned from saving a priest of Apollo, Maron, and his family. Maron gave Odysseus many other gifts as well including: seven bars of gold, a mixing bowl of silver and the 'secret' and 'rare' wine of the gods. 
  3. How many men does the Cyclops eat each time he eats?
      He eats two men at a time.
  4. Why doesn't Odysseus just kill the Cyclops?
    While the Cyclops sleeps, Odysseus thought about taking out his dagger and killing the Cyclops. However, he realizes that that is a bad idea. He realizes that he and his men could not push back the great stone, which blocked the doorway.

  5. How does Odysseus trick the Cyclops with his name?
      When the Cyclops asks Odysseus' name, Odysseus replies that he is 'nobody' After, Odysseus offers the Cyclops the skin of wine which gets the Cyclops drunk. The Cyclops says he will do Odysseus a favor and eat him last. When the Cyclops passes out, Odysseus wounds the Cyclops, the other Cylcops come out to see what's wrong. The Cyclops cried, 'nobody is hurting me!' thinking Odysseus is 'nobody' In return, the others go back to their homes.
  6. How is Odysseus able to blind the Cyclops?
      He finds a big piece of olivewood. He chops part of it off and rolls it to his men and orders them to shave it down smooth. Odysseus makes a very sharp stabbing point. Then he and his men turn it towards the fire to make the tip hard. After Odysseus gets the Cyclops drunk, Odysseus pokes the eye out with the great piece of wood.
  7. What boastful act does Odysseus do which could set up his suffering later?
      He taunts the Cyclops He calls the Cyclops weak a coward. He tells him Zeus and the other gods have paid him back. He continues to mock the Cylcops despite his men's pleas for him to stop.

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