Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Book 5: Nymph and Shipwreck Response

Question 5: Why do you think Odysseus would rather be with Penelope than Calypso? What gift is he willin to forego to pursue that goeal?

On page 159, of Book 5 the goddess Calypso asks Odysseus why he would rather go back home to Penelope than stay on the island. Calypso makes a clear point that it isn't right for a mortal woman to rival a goddess. She also makes a point that Penelope isn't as close to herself in beauty. Odysseus agrees that his wife, Penelope falls short of Calypso's beauty and stature and that Penelope is mortal whereas Calypso is immortal. He tells Calypso that the main reason he wants to return to Penelope is, he wants to return to his homeland and see the dawn. He states, "She (Penelope) falls far short of you, your beauty, stature. She is mortal after all and you, you never age or die...Nevertheless I long-I pine, all my days- to travel home nd see the dawn of my return," (159)

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Jessie. I like how you tied your answer to the text- it really bolsters your point well.
